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eCAADe2020 TU Berlin


architecture and fabrication in the cognitive age

 Conference Theme 

Anthropologic - Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age

... From smart to behavioral

... From digital to material


In recent years the paradigm shift from analog to digital architecture has materialized through increasing availability of digital tools including scripting software and digital architecture fabrication – tooling. The second digital turn implies ubiquitous computing, augmented reality and material intelligence, but to mention a few. Novel design strategies overwhelm our discipline of architecture, encouraging a re-thinking of architecture, the architect’s role and responsibility and a general understanding of what the architectural craft is. The urban environment may serve as testing ground.


It aims at discussing research results of the first years after the second digital turn. 

We propose a conference theme that critically questions the idea of the digital as purely technical interface and encourages the extension of the digital towards, or rather back, to the material world. Hence we would like to include the topic of digital-theory as part of education and research in computer aided architecture and design. The conference theme focuses on technical solutions fostering feedback into architectonic culture, an evolution of the human-machine interface, ubiquitous computing and machine learning. Submissions from related disciplines – biology, machine learning, computer sciences, big data, information – are welcome. 



Tracks |  not limited to:

  1. Design and Computation of urban and local systems – XS to XL

  2. Digital Perception of Space - Cyber–physical Systems (VR, AR) – design strategies

  3. Health and Materials in Architecture

  4. Education of the Architect as systemic planner – cybernetics, feedback, theory

  5. Making through Code - built by data

  6. Robotic Tectonics

  7. The unconscious City

  8. Culture / Shift through ubiquitous computing / scripting and lingua franca

  9. BioData for architectural design

  10. BioTectonics |  bio-hacking architecture

  11. Cognizant Architecture - what if buildings could think

Workshops | Exhibition

Workshop themes hover around the general theme of the conference. We are looking for a variety of workshops researching and testing the convergence between material and cognition, between the craft of code, form and performance. Invited are interdisciplinary teams and workshop leaders who understand the subject of digital craft and fabrication as accelerator for a cultural and architectural shift. We particularly welcome workshop proposals from the architectural open source community. In specificity to the conference subject we do encourage workshops that do not limit their research to a specific laboratory situation in one university, but understand an urban environment, e.g. Berlin as their testing ground. The issue of data may want to be regarded as relevant material for producing architecture. 


Workshop Venue


  • Technical University Berlin


The exhibition, taking place in the Architecture Building of TU Berlin will feature workshop outcomes plastic and experimental computational archifacts - a call for exhibition contribution will be launched in spring 2020. 

 Keynote speakers 

To be announced

Conference Theme
Keynote speakers
Workshop Themes

 Important dates 

Important dates

Deadline abstracts 


Acceptance of papers 


Submission of full papers


Call for Workshops 

Call for Exhibition


Acceptance of

- full papers

- workshops and exhibitions


Submission of camera ready full papers


eCAADe workshops


eCAADe conference

01. Februar 2020


01. April 2020


01. Juni 2020


to be announced

to be announced



to be announced



to be announced 



14.-15. September 2020


16.-18. September 2020


Institute of Architecture



Liss C. Werner


Assist. Professor | Research Lab Leader


computational architecture & cybernetics

Institute of Architecture

Technical University Berlin


Dietmar Köring


Dr.-Ing. Dietmar Köring






Liss C. Werner

Technical University Berlin
Fak VI Planen Bauen Umwelt  
Institute of Architecture

CyPhyLab | Room A 609 
Straße des 17. Juni 152 
DE-10623 Berlin 

Tel. +49 30 314-26122

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